Am I able to amend my order once it’s submitted?

If you wish to make any amendments to your order, please contact the processing branch as soon as possible. These details are shown on your confirmation email.

Unfortunately it will not always be possible, but we make every effort to ensure changes are made where we can.

Can I track my order?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to track deliveries at this time.

If you have any questions or queries relating to the delivery of your order; please contact us to discuss further.

When will my order arrive?

Most products will delivered between 2-3 days, if for any reason the product you have ordered is delayed we will contact you to advise further.

Can my order be delivered to an alternative address?

Yes, it can. An alternative delivery address can be added during checkout. When in Checkout, you can opt to “Ship to a different address” 

You don’t have what I am looking for online, can you get it for me?

Please complete our online contact form; We will be in contact within 48 hours to discuss your request further.

Can I check stock of products online?

Stock is shown for all products on the product page; except products that are supplier delivered.

How do I sign up for the JMD newsletter?

To sign up to our newsletter please enter your email address into the Newsletter Sign up at the bottom of any page.

Do you offer a discount to the trade?

As a tradesman, you can apply for a trade account. JMD offer two types of trade account; a credit account or cash account.

To apply for a cash account or credit account,please complete the form online